Tread Lighter

The journey of a mother, wife, student and overeater. I don't have the answers...I am a work in progress.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I am fat

I am fat. I can't really deny it anymore. My son is 14 months old and I have gained weight since he was born. I'd like to say it's stress because of my crappy job...or whatever...but it's really because I use food as an emotional tool. Diets don't work for me. I don't understand the concept of moderation. I was able to quit smoking after 11 years by knowing that I could never have another cigarette. I can't do that with food. I do know how to eat right and exercise. I'm just too tired.

Therefore, I am going to use a liquid diet. I have always looked down on those. But this time I think I need to go cold turkey on emotional eating. Once I get that under control I can learn moderation. This is my first entry. I will make myself write every day so I remember how I feel.

I am not weighing in to start with. I probably weigh around 230 lbs. I am 5'4'. I will weigh in when I see some results and feel a little better about myself.

Go me!


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